Signature: Ever since I learned to write in cursive I've wanted to create an amazing signature! I still haven't found that amazing signature yet. So right now, whenever I want to mark my name on something, I always put leah with a period. All lower case cursive with a dot at the end. ha! Chalking out: Maria asked me to play with chalk outside. So we went outside, she wrote and decorated my name, and I wrote and decorated hers. Well done Ria! It's soooo cute!
Яia: The first drawing I did, didn't really work so I moved onto another one.
Drawing: "My name doesn't start with an 'I' or 'K' Leah Anne!"
Starters: This was the beginning of my first drawing.
Rose Pedal: Maria wanted to pick a rose from my mothers rose bush, I told her no cause they're not her roses. She gave me a 'mean' look and still went toward the bush. She came back with one white pedal. And threw it at me. She then went on to tell me that at my wedding she was going to throw white pedals all over the place. I ignored her story as I put the pedal on my ring finger and told her that was my wedding ring. She said "No! It can't be! I'm passing those out at your wedding!" I responded with "Oh... Then everyone can have a wedding ring just like mine!" Shadows: I love shadow pictures. It only took about 14 pictures to get this one. Maria says it's a star. I think it looks like a windmill! Jumping: Yesterday I was obsessed with jumping pictures. But we didn't seem to get any good ones. This one was pretty funny though.
Handstand: Here is Maria, of course, showing off and doing a handstand.
Jungle Gym: Like I mentioned. I really wanted a jumping picture. But just running and jumping didn't work out too well for me. So Maria convinced me to get on our "Jungle Gym" And jump off! It sounded like a really good idea at first. But once I was up there and tried to stand up. It was a really really REALLY bad idea!
Summer time is a wonderful time. When everything is green. The flowers are out, the sky is blue, and everyone's enjoying the weather. And then here we are...
Sitting on the couch...Inside... Playing video games...On the couch... Inside. Watching each other play video games... On the couch... Inside. Eating Ice Cream...On the couch... Inside. Doing puzzles...On the couch... Inside.
Eating...On the couch... Inside.
Like I said. Summer days are amazing. It's so beautiful outside. There is so much to do. Don't waste your time!
I am the 12th oldest child in my family. I am attending High School. And living life to the fullest. Never missing out on a great opportunity. I want to share my life, as well as my families with you!