Friday, April 17, 2009

Mother May I Go To FHE?

Maria and I

Kat and Emma

Gaby. Mother. Mara.

Left to right:
Leah Emma Maria Gaby Joshua Mara

I love my family! Spending time with them always cheers me up.
This last Monday for FHE (family home evening) we played "Mother may I"
Kat was the "mother" and she had us cartwheeling, and summer salting all over the place!
It was such a great game!
After I won. (: (Yay!) Daddy came out with his guitar and we sang songs together on the front lawn.
It was so much fun. Just like old times.
I'm so glad that we have the chance to be here together, and that families can be together forever.
Even though we have hard times, I want to be with my family forever!

1 comment:

sleepless said...

That is sooo cool !! Enjoy your family while you can !!! You are all growing up so fast !!!! Aunt Sheila loves you !!!