Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Job.

I am always so worried that my summers will be "boring", or that I will "waste time". But this summer is different. I was offered 2 nanny jobs this summer.
One is three days a week for the First Counselor in my Bishopric who has 4 very intelligent and adorable children. I love spending time with them, I don't see it as a job. But more like a hang out. We go to the park almost every time I am with them. They love to act out plays and be outside.
The other job I have is once a week for a Sister that was my Beehive leader. She has 2 of the most adorable girls I have ever encountered with. They too, love to walk to Wasatch Elementary and play at the playground. I love the time that I am able to spend with these 6 children. It's been such a wonderful experience. Even though it's only a few hours each day it's already helping to prepare me for being a mother myself. I've been able to connect with each of the kids, the parents of the little boy on my lap in the photo have been so worried to leave him with anyone. But every time I've gone to watch their children they've told me they are so grateful because he never cries with me. I love these children. They are so sweet, and truly children of god.


Missy said...

Just so you know, I charge $125 a week per child. If there are siblings I give a discounted rate of $100 per week per child. It may not seem like a bright future now, but taking care of kids can be really fun and lucrative. I hope you have so much fun this summer, and earn some good money!

Leah Anne said...

Wow! Missy that's a ton of money you are getting!
Yeah, Gabrielle asked me yesterday if I wanted to be a daycare person like you when I'm older. I've been considering it for nearly 2 years now. But my mind is still set on being a race car driver!! :D
The family of 4 pays me $150 every 2 weeks if I watch their children for 9 hours a week.
And the family of 2 pays me $10 an hour.
All the money is going toward my school fees and any school supplies I'll need in this next year.
I haven't really thought about the good pay or anything. I'm just in for the fun. I've done so many arts and crafts it's crazy! (: