Monday, June 29, 2009

Family Fun!

Sisters are amazing. Sure we have our ups and downs with them. But this was definitely an up!

Sylvia invited us over to her house to go swimming. Of course, we took her up on the offer. Genevieve brought her amazing son Josh (, and Kaytlyn took all her younger siblings.

There is not much to say... Everyone was in the pool the entire time. Except for Emma who is sick. She sat on the side of the pool, and would throw things in for her older siblings to find.
Josh and Mia had a great time in the hot tub. Josh would lean back with his life jacket on, and let the jets in the hot tub spin him around. It was so fun to watch him. Mia would come along the side of the hot tub and take the bubbles out and put them in the pool. She's a cutie.
JUMP! Most of us got our own jumping pictures. Check them out!

And that's that.


Freth Stifter said...

Poor Emma!

Loved seeing the sisters having fun.

Missy said...

I love the first and last pictures. They are very artistic.