Friday, June 5, 2009

Too much!!

I have sooo many pictures from the way too and from California, and everything in between, that need to be uploaded and posted. But I just don't seem to find the right moment to get them up. So gradually over the summer I will update everyone with what happened in California this summer.
Now, lets go back in time to Wednesday June 3, 2009.
We arrived home about half past 7 in the morning. Most everyone was exhausted and went straight to bed. I was one of them. I slept from about 7:45-10:30. The rest of the day was... hmm... how should I put this... a "Relaxing Hectic Day"? Everyone sat around, watching Movies, playing games, catching up with friends online, or playing with the neighbors kids. It was kind of nice to be back. That night was when it started to get crazy. Mom was trying to get everything organized, and went out shopping for the youth conference TREK trip Kaytlyn, Mara, Joshua, Maria and I will be attending. (So nice of her.) As it neared 5 or 6 o'clock at night mom was just finishing up my 2nd skirt for the TREK. As us kids that will be going, packed our buckets that aren't allowed to be over 17 lbs.
(Surprisingly my bucket weighed the least, 10.5 lbs. and only filled up half the bucket!)
I finished packing, and needed something to entertain me until mutual, so I took photos of everything going on.

-Mother dear finishing my skirt.

I asked Ria to show me how excited she was for TREK, this was her response. Classic. Ria and I are not very excited to be going on TREK. Yes we know we should be excited. But it just hasn't hit us yet. We have talked it through, and are trying to be positive about the whole thing. I hope it all turns out well!

So... We are girls? I forgot what these expression are. Probably something along the lines of
1. "What does your face say to meeting at the Stake Center by 5 in the morning?"
2. "There's going to be dancing!"

1 comment:

Sandy Plummer said...

We are excited to hear your tales from the trek. We have been to Martin's Cove twice, but never actually walked to the cove. Next time we will. I would love to go on the trek myself, so we will live vicariously through you!!!
Can't wait to hear all about it!
(by the way, I'm Uncle Bill's little sister! aka Aunt Dee!)