Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend!

This is going to be a very long post! Hope your ready for it! Here is a mix of pictures of events that happened July 2-5th. Enjoy!

This lady came up to me on the 4th and asked if she could take my picture. I said yes and then asked why. hahah. She told me that she was from a 'group' and that my picture would be in the news paper on Thursday. And that it would be on the internet. She handed me a card. Said I had a great smile and voice, and walked off. I was so confused and some what shocked... I laughed, and went on selling cotton candy.
Here's me and Zoe sitting on the couch before she asked me 18 times if she could brush through my hair.
Zoe was so excited when I said yes, she could brush my hair, she went running over to my bag in a great big hunt for my hairbrush.
Here's me and Zoe after she brushed my hair. She was so happy and proud!
Joshua Maria and I had a Etch a sketch contest. To see who could create the best flower. This was Maria's creation.

On Sunday we celebrated Kaytlyn, Hyrum, and Jacobs birthdays. After dad played the birthday song on the piano Sam got on his lap and played songs with my dad. It was so cute!
Here is beautiful Kaytlyn smiling for me after she blew out 18 CANDLES!
There is Kaytlyn's Birthday cake!
Jacob was getting ready to sit down and blow out all his candles on his cheese cake!

My little brother Joshua, and I spent Thursday-Sunday at my oldest brother Anthony's house with his wonderful wife Missy and two of their children Zoe, and Sam. I had such a great time!
Joshua and I watched the kids while Anthony and Missy cleaned out their van.
It may look like Sam is sucking on the sucker, but he was actually sucking on the stick.
"Hey Sam that looks like a really good sucker, I bet it tastes even better on the other end!"
Hyrum helped my mom lite the candles on the cakes.
There are both Hyrum and Jacobs cheese cakes.
My gorgeous mother finishing lighting the candles with the help of Maria.
Zoe had so much fun with Joshua! She kept asking for a piggy back ride!
Once Joshua told her he was too tired and weak, she decided she would just sit on him instead.
Zoe and Joshua had about a 10 minute talk on "My Little Ponies". Zoe said she didn't watch that show, but still asked Joshua if he would get her the "Christmas Special".
Zoe kept on tackling Joshua while we where playing in the front yard.
It's kind of a bad picture, but it was soooo cute! Joshua's spinning Zoe around.
Joshua looks sooo big compared to Sam!
Zoe is such a cutie! Friday morning I was eating breakfast while she sat by me telling me about how much she can do, and how she knows EVERYTHING. (She really exaggerated the "everything" part.) I told her I didn't believe her, and she said "Well you should." I replied with "Haha okay then, what's 2+2?" She looked at her cereal bowl. Paused for a moment. Looked back at me, and shrugged her sholders. I just laughed, smiled, and said "Hahah. Yup. That's what I thought cutie."
Joshua had lots of fun with Zoes "Dora the Exploror Power Wheels Car". He drove it right up the wall... Literally.
Joshua kept chasing Zoe around, and tickling her. After she couldn't take it anymore she came running to me, sat on the step above mine, and wrapped her arms around me begging for help. What a cute girl!
Saturday Joshua, Missy, Anthony and I spent nearly all day at the park selling cotton candy, and drinks. Those where our soda options.
After a few hours of hardly an customers I was pretty tired and didn't know what to do. I remembered I had a camera and told Joshua to take a picture with me! I said "Look alive Joshua!!" And that was his response.
Zoe had so much fun playing on the blow up toys and bounce house. One of her favorites was this one, "The Monkey One".
Here's a picture of Missy's Cotton Candy Machine, and some finished bags.
Yummy! By the end of the night I was so exausted, and had eaten too many "Sad Bags" of Cotton Candy that I was just so ready for bed!
Here is a picture of the fireworks West Point did on the night of July 3rd. They where so cool!
And again, those fireworks.
Anthony and Missy took us over to Missy's mothers house to go swimming. Afterwords we found a pare of Zoe's sun glasses. Joshua and I both tried them on before handing them over to Zoe.
Aw so cute in Pink! hahah.
Sam is such a cute baby! I spent a lot of time with him and Zoe on Saturday. They are so much fun! Two of the cutest kids I've ever encountered. Sam was a very quiet baby too.
Joshua played with the kids a lot! Here he is doing push ups with Zoe and another girl from Missy's Daycare.
Joshua holding Sam. How precious. haha.
Zoe made me a Bracelet and a neckles, and made Joshua a bracelet. Earlier that day she had made herself a neckles, and two bracelets. They are so cute!
Zoe loved Joshua's piggie back rides. They played with a toy that when you threw it, it sticks to the wall. Joshua would throw it up so it would stick to the roof. Zoe tried but couldn't throw it hard enough to get it to stick. So she hopped on Joshuas shoulders to throw it up.
We watched a few movies while we where there. Zoe wanted to be with us, even if it meant just sitting there to watch a movie. But that was her least favorite.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Zoe just adored the time with her aunt & uncle !

Missy said...

Great post Leah! That saves me a lot of trouble. Looking forward to the 17th and 18th. :*

Kira =] said...

awesome post! thank for all the pictures! love it!! =]